professional from start to finish
with results.
Marketing a horse takes a full team of experts for effective results, and Bobbin Hollow has that team.
Lark René Henry not only brings a lifetime of equine selling experience to the table, but she also has several years of employment in the marketing industry in business to business and business to consumers. She is customer focused from both the buying and selling aspect, whether you’re selling a prospect or a show horse, or searching for the perfect amateur mount.
Putting aside that everyone loves Florida when the cold winds, snow and ice are settling in on the northern locales, Bobbin Hollow offers a shopping experience for buyers that is more than just a quick trip to check out a horse. We have world class level restaurants, shopping, and equine entertainment for every breed and discipline. Come to Ocala to shop for horses and immerse yourself in a full equestrian experience!
With world class equine experts in every field, from specialized veterinarians to farriers, chiropractors to nutritionists, this hotbed of equine wellness and training gives Bobbin Hollow access to resources unmatched in any other state.
At our disposal just minutes away is Masterworks Creative, specialists in equine marketing, photography and videography and available on a 24-hour notice for all of our needs. We also utilize both and, as well as International Show horse eBlasts and several print magazines, depending on the timing and appropriate editorial for our marketing needs. We also have a very active and monitored Facebook page and Twitter account, and we use the targeted advertising on both of these platforms.
With the incredibly cooperative weather in the southeast, we are able to promptly get photographs and video packages put together to market horses. If a prospective shopper calls with a special request, they will never hear “as soon as the ice melts” or “as soon as the temperature rises above freezing” from the staff at Bobbin Hollow!
We also enjoy showing our horses all year long, so we will be able to season a horse much faster than other parts of the country who are waiting from November through March for show season to begin again.
Buying a horse?
If we don’t have exactly the horse you want or need, Lark has contacts from coast to coast with other professionals that may have that perfect dream horse. Come for a visit, let us help you with your wish list and we’ll make it happen!

Let’s RIDE!
What are you waiting for? Let's get started chasing your equestrian dreams.
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